The Sanctuary in London with a complete view of Westminster Abbey. The front area of Westminster Abbey transformed into a meadow where asphalt, cars, and traffic signs have been replaced by a lush field. It's an idealized image of the city of London where nature reclaims its space. In his artistic process, Arriaga incorporates the Grisalla and Glazes technique, a traditional technique method used by the ancient masters. They usually begin by painting the image all in black and white, creating a base known as grisaille, and then applying transparent color glazes layer by layer, producing a vibrant interplay of colors, gradients and volume. Carlos employs photography as a grisaille, fashioning a photograph with minimal contrast and prominent highlights. This technique enables him to attain a notable sense of volume when translating it into painting, in conjunction with a unique texture. It ultimately yields a captivating vibrancy, depth of color, and a characteristic texture.